Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to get the new Facebook 'Timeline' now

Can't wait for Facebook to roll out "Timeline," the magazine-style makeover of profiles?

You too can be an early adopter. Just pretend you are a developer.

But warns TechCrunch's Greg Kumparak: The reason that Facebook has not yet turned on "Timeline" for all of its users is that it's not quite ready for prime time. So expect some bugs. Also, your friends won't be able to see the new design. And if you sign into your Facebook account from a different computer, your profile may go back to the old design.

1. Go to the Facebook developers page.

2. Click on the "Apps" button and give the app permission to access your information.

3. You will now find yourself on a page that gives you the option to "create new app." Click on that button.

4. Here you will enter an "app display name" and an "app namesake."

5. Read the "platform privacy policy" and check the box to agree to it. Click continue.

6. Click the "open graph" button on the left side.

7. Type in an action such as "watch" and "TV show" and click "get started."

8. Keep saving changes until you are done.

9. Wait a few minutes and then head to the Facebook home page. You will see a message to enable "Timeline."

Saturday, September 24, 2011

360 Degree Pictures

the links below give you a glimpse of how the technology is evolving. by joining multiple pictures together one can create a full 3d image of the place.

Cool Magic Trick

click on the link below and try the magic trick.. lets see if it does work for you..

Do comment about it.
Thanks :D

Pakistani scholar nominated for “World Technology Network” award

KARACHI: Pakistani scholar Dr. Athar Osama has been nominated for the prestigious World Technology Network (WTN) award and has also been elected as a fellow of the WTN.

In a press briefing released on September 5, WTN recognised as an agent of change founded by Dr. Athar Osama and has been named as a finalist for the Science and Innovation Media Journalism category.

The WTN will host this award at the World Technology Summit in association with TIME, Fortune, CNN, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and MIT’s Technology Review.

The WTN awards are widely seen as “Oscars of Science and Technology.” The Previous WTN award winners include Al Gore (US former Vice President), Mohammad Yunus (founder of Grameen Bank), Mark Zuckurberg (Facebook founder), Larry Page (Google) and Tim Berners – Lee (Inventor of Internet), however, no Pakistani has won this award as yet.

for further reading please go to:

Intel CTO Talks Up Many-Core Future

During the recent Intel Developer Forum (IDF), Intel CTO Justin Rattner discussed the swift drive toward many-core computing, noting that this is an important development for HPC as well as many other realms.

Among the demonstrations and previews of the “many-core age” to come, Intel’s CTO touched on the future of extreme scale computing. This topic gave the company a perfect opportunity to discuss their ten-year goal to create a 300-fold improvement in energy efficiency, moving power consumption down the scale to 20 picojoules per FLOP at the system level.

Intel’s Shekhar Borkar who works with DARPA’s UHPC project said that “today’s 100 gigaFLOPs computer uses 200 watts. By 2019, it should use about 2 watts, due to reductions in power required not only by the cores, but by the whole system, including memory and storage.”

IDF also provided Intel a window to discuss a concept chip, nicknamed Clarmont, which they say can operate at near threshold voltage and can scale from full performance to low power on less than ten milliwatts of power.

Rattner stressed that these and related developments at Intel wouldn’t be restricted to HPC—he pointed to a number of applications that showed 30 or more times performance improvements as the core count lifted to 64.

For further reading please visit :

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Installing MAC OSX 10.6.6 on VMWARE : host win 7

Here are some basic steps on how u can install MAC OSX 10.6.6 on vmware running on win 7:

  • To install MAC osX 10.6 or later on an intel machine you must first check that your hardware must have virtualizing support. As MAC OSX requires hardware virtualization technology. go the following link and download the .msi installer file. install it. it will give you the all the specs of your processor. <<>>
  • if your processor does support this feature you can carry on. other wise try the hackintosh technique.
  • now download the snowy_vm_ware files from this site :,g/Snowy-Vmware-files.html
  • now download the MAC OSX iso file which will be used to install the MAC OSX on the virtual machine from here << >>
  • click on the first file to unpack all the nine zip files into one.
  • now you have all the files that you would need.
  • unpack the snowy_vm files that you just downloaded and go to the MAC OSX 10.6 (experimental folder).
  • open this file Mac OS X Server 10.6 (experimental).vmx remeber not to open this file ._Mac OS X Server 10.6 (experimental).vmx (it has a dot and underscore in the beginning) do not open it.
  • this will launch the vmware workstation or the vm ware player.
  • initially it will show on operating system found.
  • you will be shown a button at the bottom of your screen to change th CD\DVD settings. click on it and give it a path to the mac osx iso file that you just downloaded. adn then restart your virtual machine
  • it will automatically start the installation wizard of the MAC OSX
  • just click on continue by selecting your language.
  • then click accept as u accept there license agreement and all.
  • next u will see a screen showin the hard drive and the install, cancel and customize button.
  • click on the hard drive icon.
  • click on the cutomize button
  • a new window will open
  • in the chameleon boot loader check the chameleon_RC5
  • then expand the chameleon options and check the ethernet button and the graphics enabler
  • the expand the patches option and check the usb fix option
  • press ok and then press install
  • now your mac is being installed.
  • when the installation finishes go to the settings of the virtual machine and change the cd\dvd settings.
  • chaneg the dc/dvd from the mac 10.6.6 iso to the darwin_snow.iso. this file can be found in the folder where you unpacked the snow_vm files.
  • then restart your virtual machine.
  • now it will boot for the first time. you can setup your profile.
  • now you can use your MAC OSX on the virtual machine.
for any queries feel feel to comment.